Friday, June 12, 2009

India is not a friendly country, says Chinese !!!

The report quotes Arunachal Pradesh Pradesh Governor retired General J J Singh as saying, 'The move was intended to meet future security challenges from China.' WHAT THE POLL SAYS

About 74 percent people in the poll conducted by a Web site believed China should not maintain friendly relations with India after its 'military provocation.'

More than 65 percent of people believed India's actions were harmful to bilateral ties and it is more harmful to India.

The Global Times says India has long held contradictory views on China.

1 comment:

liuping said...

This is a big media HYPE created by Global Times and amplified by Rediff. The original poll even not mention India as a threat. Can Rediff Editors do some homework?

The original report of GT is here : .
and the poll referred is here :^1@@%605^1@ .
using "Google Translate" to get the English version, as here : .

The Poll titled as "Indian PM speak sharply about China's South Tibet territory"
there are 4 questions:
1. How should China to deal with India's anti-Indian separatist forces? (openly support 38%, vaguely support 43%, never support 15%, dont know 4%)
2. Do you think China should be at all costs to safeguard Sino-Indian friendship? (Yes 8%, No 75%, dont care 17%)
3. Do you think India's unfriendly attitude toward China the greatest harm to whom? (China 16%, India 66%, dont know 18%)
4. How do you view India's recent frequently anti-China voices? (The ploy of India's new government to consolidate power 12%, True reflection of the hostile mentality towards the Chinese 37%, To gain from the international anti-China groups 51%)

That's all.

How can anyone summary from this poll that "90 per cent of the Chinese think India poses the biggest security threat" ?

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